S1 Special Admission

Most places in Secondary 1 (2024-2025) will be filled through the Discretionary Stage as well as the Central Allocation Stage of the Secondary School Places Allocation, in accordance with the guidelines and procedures of the Education Bureau. Only limited vacancies may arise after New S1 Registration. For those who would like to apply for special admission, please fill in the application form and enclose the following items:


S1 Special Admission Form


1) One passport photo

2) Copies of P5 & P6 Academic Reports

3) Copies of Extra-curricular Activities Certificates / Awards

4) Copy of Admission Slip

5) Copy of Choice of Schools Forms

6) Copies of HKID Card and Birth Certificate

7) Copy of Certificate of Baptism (if applicable)


All documents should be submitted to our school in person on or before 9 July 2024 (Tuesday) 1:00 p.m.. Late application will not be considered.


Due to limited places, not all applicants will be invited for interviews. Our office staff will contact short-listed applicants by phone for interviews.


For enquiries, please call General Office at 2817-1764.