Info Talk – covering S1 admission information, school characteristics, subjects offered and a broad variety of extra-curricular activities – was successfully held on 27 November 2021. The Talk was harmoniously hosted by the emcee duo consisting of a S1 student freshly admitted and a S3 student who acted as a big sister to introduce our school to parents and students who aspire to study in St Clare’s Girls’ School. Our principal, Mrs Cherry Chan, disseminated important school information including the following:
- Brilliant academic performance in HKDSE with the percentage of students scoring Level 4 or above far exceeding the average across Hong Kong schools in most subjects.
- About 90% of students received universities’ offers from Jupas to further their studies after graduation.
- Apart from the academic achievements, what is equally important is the students’ whole-person development in physical, intellectual, moral, social and aesthetic capabilities with emphasis on their leadership skills paving ways for future careers.
- Emphasis is placed on STEM education to leash students’ potentials in Science-oriented subjects and activities.
- The introduction of Reading across the Curriculum helps S1 students to cope with the increasing demand of learning English as the medium of instruction.
A series of performances were also arranged to demonstrate students’ brilliance such as the styled skills of the rope-skipping team, the teacher-student duo of erhu-guzheng, and the award-winning performance of the dance crew presenting “Dancing in the Dark”. Due to the large number of participants, live streaming was arranged in classrooms to cater for more parents and students to gain hands-on information about our school.