“Jesus is knocking on our heart!”
The school’s Christmas Prayer Service took place on 21 Dec 2021. S2 & S4 teachers and students, together with our MNDA sisters, the Supervisor, Ms Shirley Wong, the Principal, Mrs Chan, parents and guests gathered at the school hall for a joyful and peaceful prayer service to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. The ceremony was broadcast to classrooms through livestreaming.
Rev James Boey, our Celebrant, sent his well wishes and warm blessings to all of us. In his homily, he reminded us all the true spirit of Christmas – Rejoice! The Birth of Jesus is Good News to all of us. He is the son of God and comes down on earth for our salvation. Be not afraid and Peace be with us! Jesus is Emmanuel – God is with us always! He said, “For this joyful occasion, let’s open our heart to receive Him! Let’s respond with a grateful heart, telling Him: Jesus, we welcome you! Jesus, we love you.”