Cambridge Study Tour Summer 2024

This summer, English teachers and fourteen students from S2 to S5 embarked on a study tour to Cambridge, the UK, from August 11 to August 24, 2024. This Cambridge campus-based programme offered students an immersive learning experience that was integral to their future educational aspirations, as they were enrolled in a range of subject-specific activities including Academic English, Law, Medicine, History, and Engineering (AI). The two-week programme offered both the competitive and friendly learning environment and it was encouraging that our students were awarded the Best Poet Award and Best Effort Award in the Academic English, the Best Student Award in the Medicine, and the Best AI Project Award in the Engineering (AI). Alongside the educational programmes, the students had the chance to experience local cultural events, such as watching a Shakespearean play A Midsummer Night’s Dream in King’s College Garden and attending a traditional Burns Night celebration. They also explored famous sightseeing places in the UK, such as watching The Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty’s Theatre in London and visiting Radcliffe Camera in Oxford. Overall, the Cambridge Programmes study tour provided students with a wonderful taste of the university life, expanding their worldview in academia and aspiring them to become open-minded global citizens.