Mid-Year Assertiveness Training Workshop

A Mid-year Assertiveness Training was organized on 8 February 2025 for student leaders of Prefect Board, Student Union, and House to foster students’ self-assertiveness and reinforce them to apply their newfound skills in taking up their responsibilities. In the hiking at Green Dragon Creek in Lantau, student leaders needed to overcome challenges through team rapport, trust, and self-assertiveness. 


Despite the cold weather, rugged terrain, and the presence of gravel and weeds along the trail, students faced the challenges head-on. They supported one another and ultimately completed the event successfully.


After training, students gained valuable insights into self-assertiveness and the significance of trust among team members. They experienced joy and a great sense of accomplishment as they conquered challenges together, realizing that their collective effort made the journey enjoyable and fulfilling. The event fostered lasting friendships and deepened their understanding of the power of collaboration.