Assessment is integral to the curriculum as well as the teaching and learning process. Our school puts emphasis on assessment for learning by making use of data to identify and diagnose student learning problems, and provide quality feedback for students on how to improve their work. Both summative and formative assessment are used. Various modes are adopted including tests and examinations, class work and homework, projects, portfolios, etc. We believe that the school curriculum is designed to provide a rich diversity of formal and informal learning opportunities for students who learn for many reasons:
- to acquire knowledge for its own sake;
- to prepare themselves to further their studies in universities, as well as for professional work and careers; and
- to develop discipline-specific as well as generic skills to cope with the ever-changing world
To enable students to achieve the above-mentioned goals as well as to learn more effectively, besides passing judgment on the quality of their learning, appropriate means are also needed to assist them to identify strengths and weaknesses in their understanding, so that they may improve their understanding and enhance their learning. Thus, both formative and summative assessments are adopted, and the provision of appropriate supportive measures are stressed.
Homework Policy
Our Homework Policy aims at providing students with diversified and precious learning experiences within and outside the lessons so as to create opportunities for students to consolidate and apply knowledge and skills learnt and cope with daily challenges. These learning experiences can sustain students’ learning motivation as well as increase their learning interest and confidence, preparing them to embark on self-directed learning. We monitor and review the implementation of homework policy at different levels so that students can have a good balance between their after-school learning and other activities.