The Committee was established in 2017-18, combining the previous Religious and Moral Education and Civic Education in an attempt to provide an all-round values education for students at St. Clare’s. With the Catholic Education Core Values of Truth, Justice, Love, Life and Family together with the Four Cardinal virtues namely Prudence, Justice, Temperance and Fortitude as the guiding principles and core values, a series of religious, civic and moral education programs and activities have been organized. Special reference is given to modelling upon the school patron saint St. Clare of Assisi, St. Francis of Assisi and all the class patron saints, instilling in students their virtues, compassion and values.
Programs & Activities
Student Groups like Catholic Society, Legion of Mary, Friends of Clare, Altar Girl Group, Moral & Civic Education Ambassadors and Flag Hoisting Team are formed to nurture our students to be joyful followers of God and to be upright, law-abiding and civic-minded members in school and society.
News sharing or broadcast on current issues on Wednesdays and talks or interactive Programs by government department, charitable organizations and international bodies like ICAC or UN Refugee Agency on Tuesdays (WPD Time), and competitions like Basic Law Quiz Show and Mock Court are some of the examples of programmes which aim at raising students’ civic awareness in local, national and global context.
A variety of whole school and level-based liturgies and prayer services e.g. Eucharistic Celebration Mass, Taize Prayer, Rosary Prayer, the Crowning of Mary, Mindful Walking have been organized throughout the school year to nurture all members of the school to love God and praise the Lord for his unswerving love and blessings on us.
For students’ moral and spiritual nourishment, the Committee seeks to expose them to a wide-range of social and humanitarian issues for them to reflect and contemplate on their roles and responsibilities, their relation with people around them, with society, with their country and with the world. They help evoke their empathy towards the weak and disadvantaged, and ignite their gratitude towards others, themselves and God’s creation.
The Committee also organizes out of border study tours, visiting the impoverished rural and remote areas in Mainland China, and engages students to take part in almsgiving activities during the season of Advent, Lent and post-exam periods so as to broaden their horizons, teach them to appreciate cultural diversity and pay love forward.
On the whole, all members of the Committee are geared to nurture their character formation and to revitalize their responsibilities and passion in life – A Truth Conqueror!